Upgrade! I’m now the mom of a 5 year old!

Posted: May 16, 2011 in Uncategorized

My daughter Aurora turned the big 5 on Friday so I decided to throw her an awesome Birthday bash. So I invited her entire Kindergarten class (Thinking maybe 4 might show up) and started to make preparations. I’m very glad that I got experience volunteering in Children’s ministry at Church because 9 children from Aurora’s class showed up plus 6 other kids who were a bit older. There was me, my Husband and my friend Lisa and there were kids EVERYWHERE! How on earth do you entertain that many 5 year olds?

Simple. All you need is a submissive cat and a dog who adores childen. Well she did adore children, some of the kids actually scared her so she had to be locked in the bathroom, however the kids let her loose multiple times which caused confusion as the dog wasn’t sure who to follow around. As for our poor cat, he was dragged, trampled, tackled and fought over. We tried to hide him but he kept coming out of hiding and got caught AGAIN…and again and again. The Little girls wanted to dress him up, the boys just wanted to carry him around, my daughter just wanted to save him (Which is quite odd as she torments him all the time…she’s placed him in a toilet, dresed him up, locked him in a cupboard, smoothered him, pretended he was a rag doll, cut his whiskers off, painted him…etc). I doubt the kids hurt him, and I think he actually enjoyed the attention.

The kids enjoyed a game of Musical Chairs…which got sort of insane until they realized they were getting prizes upon getting booted out. They all chose bubbles of course which again caused insanity. The Girls blew bubbles and the boys attacked said bubbles. But this was only the beginning. Pin the Tail on the horribly drawn donkey was a success too. Some kids played many times. Amazingly only half cheated.

The kids had hotdogs for lunch, then it was Pinyata time. My Husband got the kids to sit nicely. I’m actually immensly jealous. My Father in Law showed up too, we should have dressed him up as a clown as he was having the kids going nuts. The kids thought he was awesome. Every kid hit the pinyata but nobody broke it. I really wanted to get a Justin Bieber Pinyata because I’d have gotten a kick out of watching kids bash Bieber’s face with a stuck but…I refrained. The Pinyata broke open, Kids scrambled EVERYWHERE and they immediately proceeded to eat candy. I couldn’t stop them, they were like little Dragons protecting a hoard. I appologize to all the parents who ended up with hyper children that evening.

Oh lookie, cake with icing dye on it. See the Green balloon on the cake? My Husband (Pictured above) smacked me in the face with it later on. We have it on video, just need to submit it to you tube…eventually. My hair actually turned green! And my wonderful Pooch, Seven, helped me clean my face. She’s such a good dog, but I stopped letting her lick my face when someone mentioned “Ooooh her mouth was opened on that one…” Honestly I’ve seen my dog eat nasty things so the last place I want her toung is anywhere near my face.

Aurora opened all her gifts, The kids went home. All that was left was a mess. There were toys EVERYWHERE! But although I was pooped I still managed to clean. Aurora got a brand new comforter for her bed, and lots of neat toys. She had a wonderful time and looks forward to hanging out with her friends again. Maybe in the summer I’ll invite some over for play dates. My daughter is now 5, this means other kids will start showing up randomly to hang out. Aurora will be wanting to host sleep overs or go to sleep overs. A brand new parenting era has just arrived for me. I feel upgraded. I’m thankful for my energy, I’m grateful that kids think I’m really cool and I’m so glad I volunteered in Kids ministry as it has set me for my new experience in Motherhood. If I can help out in a place with 40 screaming kids I can do anything!

Just had to include one last pic before I wrap up this Blog post. I was so impressed with how my dog acted with all the excitement. She LOVED all the attention. I feel confident now that I can let my dog out when there are children visiting. I though for sure she’d get overly excited and anxious but the above pic proves she was happy as can be. Seven is such an amazing Dog, and she wants to thank all the kids for the free food hand outs.

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