Quirky Me

Posted: September 9, 2011 in disaster

I’m the kind of person who always seems to be on a constant Coffee high. I act as if I just downed a tripple esspresso. Contant smile on my face, chatter, loud, obnoxious, overly happy, giddy, silly…

Good Lord I’m a SpongeBob!

Spongebob Squarepants. I’m happy, always joyful when I go to work, I’m loud and obnoxious, I annoy people who act like Squidward…only thing missing is my ability to be a super fry cook.

I got all excited a few weeks ago when I got asked to waitress at a restaurant. I waitressed there before under the old management so I thought Nothing of it. I assumed I could learn everything new in a few minutes, they did too BUT we were both wrong. Better yet within 3 hours I managed to annoy the living lights out of the cook. I spongebob’d her so much that she thretened to Leave if they didn’t send me home. Job well done on my part. Of course I learned a lesson here, I need to tone down around Squidward like people.

Squidward: Not so outgoing, quiet, easily annoyed, crabby…

Not that I’m saying the cook I worked with is a Squidward…wait, yes, she is. Good cook but held in all her anger and resentment towards me.I could feel the resentment. And I can honestly say I can not work with people like that no matter how hard I try.

Then again, not only was I loud, chatty and obnoxious I screwed up a lot. My math sucks, I failed at writting the orders, I broke the debit machine some how because I have the special touch that just breaks technology. I’m shocked my Lap Top is working right now. But hey, at the end of my 3 hours I learned a lesson…tone down my quirk a little. Don’t provoke Squidward. And Get a job in a setting where there are other SpongeBob’s.

Of course when the rumor mill finally got to me, which was this morning, I became upset. It’s amazing how one person’s opinion of you can ruin a morning. It’s still morning and I’m over it so only half my morning was ruined. However, it is true that I am loud and need to work on that. I have been told that when I am in the Dairy section of the grocery store the chashier’s can hear me…it is a small store though. And at least people know where I am at all times.

At first I tend to take things personally and totally over react. Just because one person hates me doesn’t mean everyone hates me. Of course people are going to hate me, I can’t please EVERYONE. I’m not going to be EVERYONE’s best friend. There are those who want to strangle me and those who want to hug me. And sometimes when I dislike someone back I intentionally irritate them more so sometimes I have it comming.

So I’ve got a Quirk, some love it and some hate it…but it’s still a part of who I am. I’m loving, happy, outgoing, sometimes loud, giddy, and I look like a fool some days. I never see the good I can do until someone alerts me to it. I’m so used to being corrected and told off that I think I’m worthless and useless. When I do get a compliment it takes me by surprise. When someone tells me I’ve made a difference I’m actually surprised. I have lived my life assuming that I’m just a screw up…but everyone screws up at some point.

I mean, I’ve had this quirk for years! I’ve NEVER came close to being fired. In  fact I got canned for the first time in my life 2 weeks ago! It actually surprised people. I have messed up at work countless times but everyone does and that’s how people get better at their jobs! I know I annoyed co workers when I worked at Food Basics back in the day BUT they told me to my face that I was annoying and that although I was annoying it was a quirk that I possessed and they’d be bored without seeing me zoom down the aisles giggling at something randomly immature. I blabbered on and on when I owned my own business too and I’m certain I might have annoyed and freaked out at least a few people but again, it’s just my quirk.I’m so quirky that when I walk down the road carrying a 1 foot tall plastic red Dragon D&D miniature NOBODY think’s I’m strange, it’s something that I would do!

I’m that happy girl with the pink hair…some love me some just can’t stand me and I’m not going to change on behalf of those who can’t stand me. I’m going to be Quirky me, I’m not going to let down the ones I love and that’s all that matters. And if anyone really wants to complain, I will down an energy drink and show them that I can be a bigger nightmare 😀 trust me, I’m doing my town a huge favor by quitting Energy Drinks but if they haven’t seen a change I guess I could meander town on a caffiene high.

“It’s the best day Evvvvvvvveeeeerrrrrrrrr!”






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